Page 88 - The Textile Magazine May 2012

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The Textile Magazine
MAY 2012
Millmark Associates’
presence in spinning conversions
textile components
Millmark Associates was formed
in 1992, with its head office in
Coimbatore remaining the main hub
of the textile yarn spinning indus-
try. Headed by Mr. D. Sampath
Kumar, Chief Executive Officer,
the company is well known in tex-
tile machinery spares and services,
offering its customers a wide range
of spares right from blowroom to
With a team of textile engineers
with 15 years of work experi-
ence in leading textile machinery
manufacturers of the entire range
of spinning machinery in India, the
management has gained consider-
able experience in erection and
servicing of all brands of spinning
machinery in India and abroad.
“Millmark Associates’ motto is to
supply top quality tailor-made con-
sumable products unlike a normal
standard product. Existing products
are updated regularly with improve-
ments. Innovation and updating is
a daily process at Millmark Associ-
ates”, says Mr. Sampath Kumar.
The management uses the
knowledge gained though years
of exposure and experience in the
textile industry to identify design-
oriented flaws and provide solu-
tions to customers. Based on this,
the company has developed an
individual machine-centric product
which is indeed well accepted in the
The company provides a com-
plete system of flat brush attach-
ment to achieve 100 per cent flat
cleaning in Trutzschler/Trumac
and Rieter carding machines. This
will help to keep the flats clean of
micro dust and seed coats through-
out its working time, ensuring
uniform quality of the card sliver.
The attachment enables consist-
ency in NEP removal efficiency of
cards. Moreover, with this conver-
sion, there is a saving in usage of
compressed air to clean the flat and
manpower during operation.
The conversion is also applica-
ble for cards which are processing
100 per cent polyester and blends.
The titanium di-oxide deposit on
the flats is removed by this brush
drive arrangement assuring the ef-
ficiency of consistent NEP removal
Mr. D. Sampath Kumar, Chief Executive Officer
By Ganesh Kalidasan