Page 112 - The Textile Magazine May 2012

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The Textile Magazine
MAY 2012
Sanjiv Kamat takes over
as SDC President
Dr. Sanjiv Kamat is the
new President of the Soci-
ety of Dyers and Colour-
ists (SDC). Taking over
from Mun Lim Cheung,
Dr. Kamat is SDC’s first-
ever President from India.
Dr. Graham Clayton,
SDC’s Chief Executive,
commented: “The SDC’s
ability to be effective is
immensely dependent
on its members and their
input, support and work
as officers, trustees and,
for a few exceptional
individuals, as President.
Dr. Kamat is one such
exceptional individual
with experience, connec-
tions and knowledge that
will greatly strengthen
SDC during his Presiden-
cy. His appointment has
generated quite a buzz of
excitement amongst those
I have spoken to. It is per-
haps his dedication to the
industry that gets people
excited the most”.
After completing a
Masters degree from
UDCT, Mumbai, Dr.
Kamat was awarded a
PhD from the University
of Leeds. He started his
industrial career in the
technical services depart-
ment of the Bombay Tex-
tile Research Association,
and then was with Sandoz
(India) for 15 years in
of products to textile and
pigment powder user
Dr. Kamat has served
as a member on the
research advisory board
of the Manmade Textile
Research Association
and also on the Board of
Textile Studies at SNDT
Women’s University.
Dr. Kamat observed:
“I joined SDC in 1984
and became a Fellow in
1990. I was instrumental
in starting SDC India
and served as Honorary
Secretary, Vice Chair-
man and Chairman of
the region. I was also a
founder trustee of SDC
EC India and served as its
Chairman Trustee for two
years. My appointment as
President epitomises the
transition of SDC towards
globalisation and honours
the work done by SDC
EC India. My objective
as President is to promote
the Society internation-
ally to as many coloration
hubs as possible, be it
textile, paint or leather”.
different capacities. He
continued an additional
two years with Clariant
(India), and since 1997 he
has been Chief (Market-
ing), Pidilite Industries
Ltd., responsible for sales
Dr. Sanjiv Kamat