The Textile Magazine
MARCH 2012
The UT, UTC and UTW ma-
chines are known for their huge
flexibility. Different products
can be twisted on each spin-
dle, thanks to fully individual
driven positions, from spindle
to take-up. New machines are
focusing on energy saving and
keeping the same perfect ergo-
nomics. The CP machines are
dedicated to tire cord markets.
The new CP 20 has a complete
new design from the frame to
the textile equipment, energy
saving and easy ergonomics.
SwissTex France is a major
player in the field of cabling
and twisting for synthetic filaments and spun yarns. For
the cabling & twisting process, the company offers a
wide range of machines with mechanical spindles: CD,
DT and CDDT, as carpets and rugs are more and more
diversified in their style, look, structure, colors, patterns
and presentations.
SwissTex France reacts to its customer’s demands by
offering its products everywhere and supplying perma-
Swisstex France
nently the machines that best fit the customer’s needs.
It is always in search of new ways to increase its equip-
ment performances.
Textile yarn processing covers twisting, covering, as-
sembling, cabling, rewinding. The company offers to-
day a complete range of twisting machines, single and
double-covering machines, air covering machines and
combined machines.
Dollfus & Muller, the felts and belts manufacturer
for more than 200 years, will present at ITM its textile
finishing spare parts such as compacting felts for knit
finishing, printing dryer belts for printing, sanforizing
felts for denim and woven fabrics finishing, decatizing
felts for wool finishing, satin wrappers for wool finish-
ing, and tensionless dryer belts for knit finishing.
The company will introduce at ITM 2012 its new
compacting felt for knit finishing with major evolutions
versus its existing products in order to serve better the
dyeing houses. The new compacting felt quality brings
a special care to the fabrics, thanks to its smoothest sur-
face, an excellent guiding and the best compacting rate
in relation with the new exclusive compacting felt de-
Furthermore, it will display its durable printing dryer
belts. In Turkey, already many printers of fine fabrics,
scarves and flags are using the company printing dryer
belts for their non marking surfaces which can avoid as
well the particles on the back side.
Dollfus & Muller has the widest range of printing
dryer belts and the strongest dryer belts. Its sanforizing
palmer felts are ideal for denim producers.
Dollfus & Muller
ITM-Texpo Eurasia 2012