The Textile Magazine
MARCH 2012
Schweiter Technologies
well despite several odds
corporate news
Schweiter Technologies AG
performed well in 2011 de-
spite several odds. Orders re-
ceived amounted to CHF 857.7
million (2010: 960.9). Net rev-
enues reached CHF 785.6 mil-
lion (2010: 932.1). This repre-
sents a decrease of 16% (-6%
after adjustment for currency
SSM Textile Machinery suffered
amid the downturn on the two core
markets of China and India, but re-
ported an impressive result overall.
Ismeca Semiconductor was also
impacted by a significant downturn
in the semiconductor industry, but
nonetheless achieved a positive re-
sult in the second half.
3A Composites posted good re-
sults in the architecture and display
segments, while the result achieved
in the core materials market was ad-
versely affected in the second half of
the year by the strong downturn in
China’s wind power sector.
The Group’s consolidated EBIT-
DA totalled CHF 88.4 million
(2010: 100.3), corresponding to a
return on sales of 11 per cent. Net
income amounted to CHF 47.5
million (1H 2010: 49.6). At 3A
Composites, substantial headcount
adjustments, other operational im-
provements, early adoption of IAS
19 revised and the switch to a de-
Mr. Ernesto Maurer,