The Textile Magazine
JUNE 2012
of Bangladesh installs
Thies iMaster H
O dyeing range
dyeing & finishing
Savings in utilities such as water,
gas and electricity and in dyestuff
and chemicals are being experi-
enced by Viyellatex Ltd. of Bang-
ladesh following the installation of
a new Thies iMaster H
O dyeing
range. The company has installed
seven Thies iMaster H
O as part of
its growth strategy for substantial
savings in water, electricity and
gas, in addition to increased pro-
duction rates.
The installation was handled by
Thies’ sales and service partner for
Bangladesh, HOService, based in
Viyellatex, which was founded
in 1996 as a knit apparel and textile
manufacturing company, has in
recent years evolved into a verti-
cally integrated organisation where
production begins with the import
of raw cotton and proceeds through
the processes of knitting, dyeing,
Strategic move to save water, electricity