The Textile Magazine
JUNE 2012
fered by the European manufactur-
ers which are high on quality and
price. The Chinese components are
known to be low on price and per-
formance as well. TeraSpin is posi-
tioned to offer European quality at
competitive price.
The TeraSpin factory epitomizes
A.T.E.’s thrust on energy and water
conservation. The factory is being
built at Sari, 30 km from Ahmeda-
bad, on the Ahmedabad-Rajkot
highway. It will encapsulate vari-
ous green building technologies and
features, and will seek LEED (Lead-
ership in Energy and Environmen-
tal Design) certification, which is a
green building rating system.
The green features will make the
building energy and water efficient,
prevent environmental pollution
and also make the indoor air quality
healthy for its occupants.
To reduce energy consumption
for cooling, technologies like HMX-
reduction in energy consumption
per unit of production on a continu-
ous basis.
For water conservation, TeraSpin
will have rain water harvesting and
will also utilize a reverse bore well
which will recharge underground
water in monsoon.
For environmental protection,
3-mm thick PU flooring designed
specially to prevent soil contami-
nation in production areas will be
used. The factory is being painted
with low volatile organic compound
(VOC) paints to minimize environ-
mental contamination. Also, Te-
raSpin is planning to reduce, re-use
and recycle factory waste to the ex-
tent possible.
All in all, TeraSpin hopes to make
its mark in terms of its commitment
to both the textile industry and the
Ambiators from HMX
Systems, an A.T.E. group
company, an energy effi-
cient and healthy cooling
solution, a special insula-
tion material in the roofing,
and a new concept of struc-
tural cooling will be used.
The carbonate sheets pro-
vided in the factory roof-
ing and window glasses
and the LED bulbs for the
street lights will reduce
energy consumption for
These measures, together
with photovoltaic panels
and a solar dish, will make
the building highly energy
effcient. Besides, an effec-
tive energy monitoring system will
be installed for all major equipment
and energy usage areas to achieve
spinning components
Team A.T.E. in discussion with chinese visitors at ITMA Asia