Page 38 - The Textile Magazine June 2012

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The Textile Magazine
JUNE 2012
bullish on growth
potential in India
Dr. Anton Reinfelder is Managing
Director of the subsidiary Groz-Beckert
Asia Private Ltd., based in Chandigarh.
He has corporate responsibility for the
Knitting and Sewing divisions at two
factories, local purchasing and also sales
in India, Bangladesh and Nepal.
In a recent interview
Dr. Reinfelder gave an
overview of the Indian
textile markets, providing
fascinating insights into
national trends and his
expectations for ITMA
Asia in Shanghai.
Question: Groz-
Beckert has an excellent
market position world-
wide as a supplier of
various different textile
production and joining
technologies. What is
decisive as far as your
markets are concerned?
: In Chandi-
garh, Groz-Beckert Asia
(GBA) is known more as
the “Needle Factory”. We
have a very good reputa-
tion in the town and the
region and we’re a pre-
ferred employer, known
for treating our employees
with fairness and respect.
Our employees often re-
tire after 30 or more years
with the company.
In addition to the qual-
ity of our products, the
textile industry really
appreciates the expertise
and service of our sales
people, who have a high
level of technical train-
ing. In India, people
only do business with
partners they trust. After
many years of business
Dr. Anton Reinfelder, Managing Director, Groz-Beckert Asia Pvt. Ltd.