Page 79 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012
In his opening address, Mr. Shahabuddin, Managing
Director of Pacific Associates Ltd., Fong’s agent in Bang-
ladesh, explained the working relationship betweeen his
company and Fong’s. This was followed by a detailed pres-
entation on corporate updates by Mr. Walter Leung, Sales
Director of Fong’s National Engineering Co. Ltd.
After the inagural function, Mr. Gary Cheng, Area Sales
Manager of Fong’s National Engineering Co. Ltd., led a fac-
tory tour of the 110k sq. metre land site allocated
by various brands production plants of Fong’s Na-
tional, Monfort Fong’s, Tycon Alloy and Goller.
After the site visit, Fong’s technical team shared
the latest company technology by making a pro-
fessional presentation on THEN AIRFLOW, TEC
Series and ALLWIN.
After the visit of Fong’s production base, the
team was also taken around two China factories,
namely, Kam Hing Textile and Donghaipang Tex-
tile. The Bangladeshi guests were impressed with
the success stories of FONG’S, THEN and Mon-
fort Fong’s brand machines and systems.
Mr. Li Zhiyong, Managing Director of Dong-
haipang, spoke in detail of his sophisticated factory
Mr. Walter Leung,
Sales Director, Fong’s National Engineering Co. Ltd.
bangladesh textile news