Page 76 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012
the intention of making the mill a vertically integrated
one was to better control supplies, quality and cost.
“To go from a single garment production unit to a ful-
ly integrated mill is an enormous step. We had to start
by constructing the buildings, which illustrates how new
everything is. But we had extremely efficient support
from Monforts and Bengal Technological, both in in-
stallation and in training, and the mill is now working
very effectively”, he adds.
The Montex stenter features a wide range of energy
saving solutions providing reduced running costs, im-
proved efficiency and productivity, and has an integrat-
ed heat recovery system fitted as standard.
Energy saving, says Mr. Hemantha, is a very impor-
tant aspect of textiles production in Bangladesh because
of uncertainty of power supply, and as backup to the
main supply the company has installed two generator
sets, one powered by gas and the other by diesel.
Montex is handling approximately 10 tonnes of fabric
per day, working at the rate of 26 days per month, the
remainder being holiday or downtime for maintenance.
It can handle fabrics up to 240 cm in width, although
the most usual widths range from 172 to 200 cm. The
weight of the fabrics handled ranges from 180 to 320
Flexibility of the Montex allows the mill to undertake
small runs and to work with customers on developing
new product lines, often niche products that will have a
limited production run.
Turag is a 100% supplier to the export market, with
Germany taking 30-40 per cent of output, and France
and Sweden also representing significant markets. Small
quantities are going to the UK and Japan.
bangladesh textile news