Page 69 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012
who had already had experience us-
ing the RSJ machines. The aim of
the course was to provide them with
the necessary expertise to develop
more intricate patterns, to open up
untapped markets, and to enable
them to optimise the potential of the
versatile RSJ machines.
Standard articles, such as Pow-
ernet, can be produced on majority
of the machines currently available
on the market, but the options can
be extended by working new, more
sophisticated designs. The possibili-
ties of producing more fashionable
articles, such as lightweight Spotnet
fabrics with attractive, lace-like pat-
terns and functional lingerie fabrics
with body-shaping zones should
guarantee long-term capital utiliza-
tion and good business – concepts
that newcomers to this sector are
also finding particularly attractive.
Basically, the course involved
presenting the range of machines
and highlighting the differences be-
tween the various models, explain-
ing the jacquard principles, and de-
veloping basic lapping and design
parameters based on these princi-
ples. The experienced pattern devel-
opers were particularly interested in
the performance features of the soft-
ware and its latest upgrade. “High-
end designs can be developed much
easier and quicker using the latest
functions. The edges of the motifs in
particular have an incredibly smooth
appearance,” said one of the course
participants enthusiastically.
The theoretical part was followed
by the practical part, which involved
drafting various patterns and pro-
ducing them on an RSJ 5/1 EL in
the training centre. As the machine
was running, the advantages of us-
ing the individual functions, such
as lapping changeover, the Multi-
Speed function, and control of the
fabric take-down to produce stitches
of different size, became clear im-
mediately – an invaluable learning
experience for all the participants in
the RSJ course, who were delighted
with the course content.
The Chinese designers and tex-
tile specialists developed many new
ideas for generating future business
and collected useful tips that would
be invaluable to them in their day-
to-day work. They were also given
the opportunity to discuss produc-
corporate news