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Jaipur Rugs
to train 10,000 Indians
in advanced carpet weaving
Corporate social responsibility
Jaipur Rugs, one of the largest
manufacturers of hand-knotted car-
pets in India, is helping low-income
people – approximately 60 per cent
of whom are women – in the most
economically disadvantaged re-
gions of India gain access to local
employment opportunities. Weav-
ers in Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand,
Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan will
receive one-month training in ad-
vanced carpet weaving techniques
and quality control to improve the
quality and quantity of rugs pro-
Jaipur Rugs is globally
renowned for its hand-
knotted rugs and the way
they are woven to con-
tribute to socio-economic
development. The rugs
are exported to about 30
countries. It is famous
across the world for its
Social Entrepreneurship
Model which it has de-
veloped over the three
decades by making pro-
duction of hand-knotted
rug industry completely
meant for grassroots level
There are more than 60
processes in producing
hand-knotted rugs. Each
process provides its own
potential of employabil-
ity or work scope. This
model or business was founded in
1978 with nine artisans. Since then,
Jaipur Rugs has evolved 40,000
jobless people by assigning them to
these processes.
Weavers who demonstrate excep-
tional carpet making skills will go
on to receive training to train and
manage other weavers in the vil-
“Although there are 2.5 million
artisans weaving rugs in India, most
are not well-paid. In recent years,
weavers have seen their wages
Jaipur Rugs Company
has announced that it will
train some 10,000 peo-
ple in northern India on
advanced carpet weaving
techniques and provide
them with access to global
markets by 2015 as part
of the firm’s commitment
to the Business Call to
Action (BCtA), a global
initiative that encourages
companies to fight poverty
while boosting business
opportunities in develop-
ing countries.
Ms. Asha Chaudhary
CEO, Jaipur Rugs
The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012