Page 56 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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Test criteria
coming into force on April 1
The regular re-evaluation of the
test parameters is based on current
market and product developments,
new toxicological findings and new
legal requirements, also taking into
consideration the REACh legisla-
tion, including the SVHC substanc-
es relevant to textile manufacturing
which have been added in 2011.
The OEKO-TEX criteria cata-
logue stipulates the following
• With respect to the current ver-
sion of the REACh candidate list
and the current consultations, wet
spun fibres and coatings will in fu-
ture be tested for n-methyl-pyrro-
lidone and dimethylacetamide. Both
chemicals are listed in the new cat-
egory “Solvent Residues” and must
not exceed a limit value of 0.1%
weight by weight.
• In addition, relevant test sam-
ples must also be tested for four new
plasticisers: di-C6-8-chain alkyl
phthalates, di-C7-11-chain alkyl
phthalates, di-n-hexyl phthalates
(DHP) and bis(2-methoxyethyl)
phthalates. These will be incorporat-
ed with the phthalates already listed
in the Oeko-Tex Standard 100. The
total limit value of 0.1% weight by
weight shall remain unchanged.
• In analogy to the existing ban
on alkylphenolethoxylates (APEO)
within the framework of certification
of environmentally-friendly produc-
tion sites according to OEKO-TEX
The OEKO-TEX Associa-
tion has as usual updated
the applicable test criteria
and limit values for test-
ing textiles for harmful
substances according to
OEKO-TEX Standard 100.
The new requirements will
come into force on April 1.
The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012