Page 34 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012
with Lenzing Modal.
Gradual fading or graying is no longer an issue with
Lenzing Modal terry goods. Finally, these towels deliver
a higher absorption rate than 100 per cent cotton towels,
thanks to the fiber’s unique structure.
With Edelweiss, Lenzing is setting new technological
and environmental standards for the entire cellulose fiber
industry. Lenzing’s innovative Modal production process
involves oxygen-based chemistry. It is more environmen-
tally friendly than conventional production procedures.
Thus Lenzing Modal Edelweiss is the only Modal fiber to
satisfy the highest environmental standards. Environmental
benefits such as the replenishable and natural raw material,
-neutrality and the highest production yield make the
new Lenzing Modal Edelweiss the eco-fiber of choice.
Lenzing Modal Edelweiss is produced differently from
the conventional Lenzing Modal, but the fibers’ main prop-
erties such as softness and color brilliance are the same. The
fibers process identically at all points in the textile chain.
Susanne Jary, Lenzing’s head of marketing for home tex-
tiles, explains how unique Edelweiss is. “The fiber plant in
Lenzing Austria is the only one in the world which is fully
integrated and has all production steps, from the pulp to the
fiber, perfectly under control. Throughout the entire proc-
ess, attention is paid to environmental protection”.
Lenzing is a pioneer in the field of wood-organic refin-
eries. The integrated, CO
-neutral process at the company
site, in combination
with other innovative
processes, results in
excess energy gener-
ation and the produc-
tion of high quality
chemicals from the
wood. The pulp fac-
tory serves as a net
supplier of power for
the entire Lenzing
site. These special
processes were de-
veloped by Lenzing
and are not commer-
cially available.
Lenzing Modal terry (left) immediately soaks
up water. Water droplets remain on the sur-
face of 100% cotton terry (right).
Intense and brilliant colors with Lenzing
Modal terry good (left) compared to 100%
cotton terry (right).
new products