Page 32 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012
Modal fibre with
Edelweiss effect
new products
Lenzing, the world’s leading
manufacturer of innovative cel-
lulose fibers, presented the bo-
tanic towel featuring the Edel-
weiss effect at Heimtextil in
Frankfurt held during January
11-14. Thanks to the natural
origin of the fiber, Lenzing Mo-
dal is made from beech wood,
and the botanic feeling can be
incorporated into remarkable
terry goods. Beech wood pro-
liferates by rejuvenation. So no
reforestation or plantations
are necessary. More than half
of the wood used at Lenzing
comes from Austria and the
remainder from the neighbor-
ing countries.
The botanic origin of Lenzing Modal
provides critical sustainability benefits
for terry goods, benefits that are becom-
ing increasingly important. However, it
is not only the fiber’s eco-friendliness
that makes it so compelling. Its per-
formance properties such as color bril-
liance, absorbency and softness make
terry goods of Lenzing Modal particu-
larly appealing to consumers. In fact,
89 per cent of consumers in a recent
survey stated that towels with Lenzing
Modal stay softer than 100 per cent cot-
ton towels even after repeated washing.
Plus, colors are richer and more intense
Dr. Susanne Jary,
Head of Marketing for Home Textiles, Lenzing