Page 16 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012
ment’s proactive industrial policies
and the work ethos.”
While the plant will cater pri-
marily to the domestic market, the
group will export around 20 per
cent of the VSF produced in Tur-
key to the European Union and
other neighbouring countries. “It
will provide employment to nearly
500 Turkish nationals, besides gen-
erating substantial indirect employ-
ment through its engagement with
the ancillary industries”, he added.
Aditya Birla Group’s pulp & fi-
bre operations span six countries
– Canada, Sweden, Thailand, Indo-
nesia, China and India. The group
is on an ambitious expansion tra-
jectory and is ramping up capaci-
ties in other parts of the world
as well. A 120 ktpa greenfield
project at Vilayat in Gujarat and
a 36 ktpa brownfield expansion
project at Harihar in Karnataka
are underway at a total invest-
ment of $450 million.
The Aditya Birla Group, with
a market cap of $29 billion, is
in the league of the Fortune 500
companies. It operates in 36
countries across the globe, and is
anchored by 133,000 employees
belonging to 42 different nation-
alities. This meritorious group
was ranked No.4 in the global
“Top Companies For Leaders”
and ranked No.1 in Asia in a sur-
vey conducted by Aon Hewitt,
Fortune Magazine and RBL, a
strategic HR & leadership advi-
sory firm, in 2011.
corporate news