Page 12 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012
g e n e r a t i n g
sector, requires a
diversified portfolio of
skills both across sub-sectors
and processes. Skill creation un-
der this sector is therefore strongly
linked to quality standards and com-
petitiveness, especially in export
As on date, 18 institutions are be-
ing funded under the first compo-
nent and 12 organizations have been
selected under the second. The Min-
istry is developing a skill exchange
portal and an MIS portal. These
portals will help improve scheme
implementation. Under the scheme
projects amounting to Rs. 423 crores
for component I and Rs. 60 crores
for component II approved. Against
the target of 2.5 lakh textiles work-
ers to be trained, a target of 1.5
lakh workers would be achieved by
March next.
Referring to SITPs, the Minister
said that in the 11th Plan 40 such
parks were sanctioned, with a fi-
n a n c i a l
allocation of
Rs. 1,400 crores.
Of these, seven parks have
been completed, 14 parks have
drawn 90 per cent of grants, and 15
parks are in progress. The Govern-
ment sanctioned 21 new parks in
October last to generate Rs. 9,000
crores worth of investment in the
textile sector and create employ-
ment for four lakh workers.
The SITP scheme has attracted in-
ternational attention and the Prime
Minister has announced setting up
of an Integrated Textile Park in Af-
rica at an outlay of Rs. 350 crores
under the India Africa Forum Sum-
mit II Declaration.
The Minister also referred to the
recently approved packages for
Mr. Mahendra Kumar Roy of Jal-
paiguri raised the issues pertaining
to the jute sector and asked the Gov-
ernment to look into the problems of
jute growers and mill workers.
Mr. P. Vishwanath raised the is-
sue of the Kancheepuram textiles
industry, while Mr. Kanjibhai Patel
sought details about the PPP com-
ponent of the ISDS scheme and the
criteria of selection of SITPs.
The Minister of State, Ms. Pana-
baka Lakshmi, and the Secretary
(Textiles), Ms. Rita Menon, were
also present along with senior offic-
ers and key stakeholders.
policy initiatives