Page 10 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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New textile parks will provide
four lakh additional jobs
policy initiatives
Speaking at the Parliamentary
Consultative Committee on Tex-
tiles, Mr. Sharma said: “Besides
nurturing what we have, it is essen-
tial to remain globally competitive.
Increasing employability and stay-
ing competitive are the key objec-
tive for us.”
The committee discussed the In-
tegrated Skill Development Scheme
(ISDS) and the Scheme for Integrat-
ed Textiles Parks (SITP).
The Minister informed the mem-
bers that the Indian textiles industry
has an overwhelming presence in
the economic life of the country. The
sector contributes 14 per cent of in-
dustrial production, four per cent of
GDP and 10.63 per cent of the coun-
try’s export earnings. It provides di-
rect employment to over 35 million
people, which includes a substantial
number of SC/ST and women. The
sector is the second largest provider
of employment after agriculture.
Allocation for textiles under the
11th Plan was Rs. 14,000 crores,
which was enhanced by Rs. 5,000
crores to Rs. 19,000 crores. The
Government has formulated the
National Fibre Policy to provide a
holistic boost to the development of
the sector.
On the Integrated Skill Develop-
ment Scheme (ISDS), the Minister
explained that the focus is on crea-
tion of a large variety of skills, from
basic to specialized, to meet the
needs of the industry. Textiles, be-
ing the second largest employment
The Union Minister of
Commerce, Industry and
Textiles, Mr. Anand Shar-
ma, has exhorted the tex-
tiles industry to improve
its competitiveness at the
global stage.
Mr. Anand Sharma
Union Minister of Commerce, Industry and Textiles
The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012