Page 96 - TM-Feb-12

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The Textile Magazine
drew attention to the latest innovations for textile fur-
nishings in the contract sector and architecture, as well as
sustainable home textiles, via special offers and a series
of expect lectures and awards ceremonies in the special
‘Let’s talk about…’ area. And met with an extremely
positive echo from architects and interior architects from
the whole of Germany and neighbouring countries.
On behalf of Architects Titus Bernhard, CEO Titus Al-
exander Bernhard, said: “Heimtextil is the best fair for
seeing the latest developments and trends for interior tex-
tiles – fabrics, curtains, sun-protection systems, carpets,
etc. Everything that gives a home personality. That’s why
we attend Heimtextil! Architects, and interior architects
visit the fair because it is an outstanding platform for the
contract business.”
Aimed at interior decorators and furnishing experts,
the Heimtextil Coupon Business Finder lists companies
that supply fabrics in very small to small quantities – a
vital service for this important group of visitors from the
handicrafts sector.
Frank Meiners, proprietor of Raumaustattung Meiners
in Fürth, observed: “This is the third time we have par-
ticipated in the Heimtextil Insider programme for inte-
rior decorators – because it caters exactly for our needs.
For me, it has always been important to keep track of the
latest trends. We have gathered an incredible amount of
information about innovations, atmospheres, energy and
ideas. Next year, we want to integrate home textiles from
foreign manufacturers into our range. Then, we will spend
three days here. For us, Heimtextil is the most important
trade fair, thanks to the individual facilities and services
for interior decorators.”
With over 25 interior decorators, museums and bed
dealers, the ‘Heimtextil goes City’ consumer campaign,
which was held throughout Frankfurt for the eighth year
running, attracted well over 2,000 customers and con-
sumers interested in the fair and in home textiles.
‘Heimtextil goes City’ is Germany’s only consumer
campaign for home textiles to be conducted in associa-
tion with a leading international trade fair and an unri-
valled platform for the interior decoration business”, says
Michael Schwarz, Press Officer of the Guild of Interior
Decorators, Frankfurt am Main.
The next Heimtextil will be held in Frankfurt from Jan-
uary 9 to 12, 2013.