Page 90 - TM-Feb-12

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The Textile Magazine
debut into digital printing
product news
The quick development of
digital printing machines
and the advantages thereof
have enabled this technol-
ogy to prove a big success
in textile printing. This
positive growth trend will
continue influencing textile
printing in future. However,
digital printing would offer
the best if the machines are
well equipped with the right
entries and exits that give
that sensitivity and preci-
sion so vital for printing.
It is in keeping with the current
market requirement that Corino
Macchine has designed a special
entry for digital printing machines,
which, besides meeting the special
needs, is known for its versatility.
This advanced system for tension
control of the fabric for printing
comes with a pneumatic adjuster
and a couple of loading cells to keep
the tensioning set value constant by
displaying the relevant data. It also
has a sewing sensor made with a
special “laser” sensor, combined
with an electronic counter, for stop-
ping the printing machine precisely
at the stitching stage.
This advanced machine from
Corino Macchine has already been
installed by leading manufacturers
for their digital printing systems.