Page 78 - TM-Feb-12

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special testing tools
for filament yarn producers
product news
Global demand for synthetic fib-
ers is at an all-time high, with more
than 80 per cent capacity utilization
and a production total of almost 50
million tonnes expected for 2011,
following a strong recovery in 2010.
Mass variation as well as strength
and elongation are the essential
quality characteristics for this big
business. The USTER TESTER
5-C800 and TENSORAPID 4-C are
the indispensable and specialized
testing instruments for filament yarn
Reflecting the filament industry’s
needs leads to the conclusion that
two USTER testing instruments
offer what is necessary to ensure
requested quality standards: The
USTER TESTER 5-C800 – part of
the renowned USTER tester family
– is tailor-made for this industry and
has become a synonym for uneven-
The Textile Magazine