Page 58 - TM-Feb-12

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an emerging leader
in yarn, fabrics & apparels
corporate news
Sportking is a corporate group
based in Ludhiana. The group’s
portfolio covers the entire textile
value chain, from yarns, fabrics and
apparel to retailing, and also features
a training facility for textile technol-
ogists. Based on the powerful vision
of its founder Raj Kumar Awasthi,
CEO and Chairman, the group re-
gards its mission as investment in
socio-economic growth: on the one
hand through outstanding perform-
ance, on the other by adapting to
modern technologies in business
and training. This is what brings
Sportking and Rieter together.
Group CEO Munish Awasthi is
not only continuing to pursue the
existing business in the spirit of his
father, but has also implemented a
series of expansion plans in a wide
range of sectors along the value
Yarn manufacture is the Sportk-
With sales of Rs. 3,500
million, Sportking is well
on its way to becoming
one of the biggest brands
at all stages of the textile
process, from yarn and
fabric manufacture to
apparel production and
retailing, not only on
the Indian market but
Mr. Shiv Kumar Sharma, President of Sportking (center) in conversation with
Rieter technologist Mr. Jens Weidemann
The Textile Magazine