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Italian textile machinery sector
cautiously optimistic
industry update
Provisional figures for 2011 for
Italy’s textile machinery sector
showed a further increase in manu-
facturing production and exports
following a good recovery in 2010.
This after the widespread recession
in 2009 hit machinery manufactur-
ers hard.
The value of Italian textile ma-
chinery production for 2011 regis-
tered a 9 per cent increase compared
to 2010, from 2.4 to 2.6 billion eu-
ros. A similar increase was recorded
for exports (+10 per cent), valued at
just over 2.1 billion euros.
Exports remain the driving force
behind the sector’s growth in Italy.
The dynamism of major textile mar-
kets, combined with the ability of
Italian machinery manufacturers to
assert themselves on a global scale,
contributed to sustained growth in
exports. Almost 25 per cent of the
sector’s sales abroad are directed to
China, with Asian markets generally
accounting for 50 per cent of all for-
eign sales.
The latest National Institute of
Statistics data on Italian exports for
the first 10 months of 2011 show
significant growth in all markets –
European (France +44%, Germa-
ny +56%); non-European (Russia
+88%, Turkey +83%); American
(United States +81%, Brazil +15%,
Peru +15%); and Asian (Bangladesh
+49%, China +11%, South Korea
+53%, Japan +30%, India +22%, In-
In spite of an increase in
production in 2011 by
Italian textile machinery
manufacturers, forecasts
remain cautious for the
current year.
Mr. Sandro Salmoiraghi,
President, ACIMIT
The Textile Magazine