Page 52 - TM-Feb-12

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Oerlikon Neumag
sells staple fiber plant
for geotextile production to India
corporate news
With its Inline plants producing up
to 80 tons per day, Oerlikon Neum-
ag provides compact lines which are
specialised for the needs of nonwo-
ven producers. Less operational per-
sonnel are needed because spinning
and drawing are in a single continu-
ous process. With this plant nonwo-
ven producers are able to complete
the value chain from production of
staple fibers to needle-punched non-
woven products.
Besides the engineering know-
how the worldwide service network
from Oerlikon
Neumag with a
centre in Baroda
are very ben-
eficial for staple
fibers producers
to get the maxi-
from the equip-
“Geo t ex t i l e
is a very prom-
for our short
spinning Inline
perfectly suits
the needs of
nonwoven pro-
ducers who in-
tend to make
their own spe-
cialized staple
Clement Woon,
CEO of Oerlikon Textile.
“For Oerlikon Neumag, this
project is a great opportunity in an
interesting market with an excellent
growth potential. We look forward
to realize this project”, says Rainer
Straub, Head of Sales Oerlikon Neu-
Oerlikon is a leading high-tech
industrial group specializing in ma-
chine and plant engineering. The
company is a provider of innovative
industrial solutions and cutting-edge
technologies for textile manufactur-
Mr. Clement Woon,
CEO, Oerlikon Textile
Oerlikon Neumag has
signed a contract for
an Inline plant with 12
spinning positions for
production of staple fibers
for geotextiles. The order
comprises the complete
machine equipment
from spinning to baling,
including engineering and
services of supervision
for erection and
commissioning. Start-up
will be at the end of 2012.
The Textile Magazine