Page 47 - TM-Feb-12

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The Textile Magazine
Software plays a crucial role
in process optimisation, because
without appropriate tools no opti-
misation can be realised. Process
optimisation is exactly on the top
of the agenda since costs of energy
and raw materials are increasing
and textile producers have to com-
ply with very specific customer
requirements and laws in this con-
text. To be more precise, suppliers
of software are expected to provide
appropriate tools for process opti-
mization in order to save chemi-
cals, water and energy.
SETEX has enhanced its Orga-
TEX machine management soft-
ware. Energy efficiency modules
are controlling up-to-the-minute
process data of each machine and
put them into relation with com-
pany-specific acceptable levels of
gas, electricity, steam, water, hot
pipe capacities
and other re-
The software
b a c k g r o u n d
knowledge can
trigger active
process adjust-
ments such as
balancing ener-
gy loads or real-
time production
process modifi-
cation. The SE-
Plant Naviga-
tor provides the
graphical visu-
alization of the
actual status per
machine or an
overview of all machines. The SE-
TEX.OrgaTEX Energy Efficiency
Module holds the equations of the
decision making process. The ap-
plication and customer specific
algorithms can easily be accessed
and altered by the SETEX formula
editor. Thanks to this deep integra-
tion, the formulas have access to
all necessary data in the OrgaTEX
The solution helps to adapt the
workflow and infrastructure for
greater flexibility and better pro-
ductivity. With this system, runt-
ime and water consumption savings
of more than 15 per cent have been
achieved in production. Avoiding
power peak loads by balancing en-
ergy loads saves cost for the mill
and has a positive ecological influ-
ence on peak load power stations.
Due to the nature of textile finish-
ing, the achieved benefits depend
on the installed machines, finishing
process, articles and performance
level of a company.
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