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The Textile Magazine
waterless dyeing technology
product news
The partnership is illustrative of Nike’s long-term commit-
ment to designing and developing the most superior perform-
ance products for athletes and its overall sustainable business
and innovation strategy.
“Waterless dyeing is a significant step in our journey to serve
both the athlete and the planet, and this partnership reinforces
Nike’s long-term strategy and deep commitment to innovation
and sustainability,” says Eric Sprunk, Nike’s Vice President of
Merchandising and Product. “We believe this technology has
the potential to revolutionize textile manufacturing, and we
want to collaborate with progressive dye houses, textile manu-
facturers and consumer apparel brands to scale this technology
and push it throughout the industry.”
Nike has been exploring this technology for the past
eight years and expects to showcase cutting-edge ap-
parel using textiles dyed without water at events
later this year, with an eye on scaling the tech-
nology for larger production volumes.
“We’re very excited to be partnering with
Nike to help drive this together and believe
the benefits and impacts of this technology are
significant,” says Reinier Mommaal, CEO of
DyeCoo. “There is no water consumption, a
reduction in energy use, no auxiliary chemi-
cals required, no need for drying, and the
process is twice as fast. The technology
can also improve the quality of the dyed
fabric, allows for greater control over the
dyeing process, enables new dye capa-
Nike, Inc. has entered into a strategic partnership with DyeCoo Textile
Systems B.V., a Netherlands-based company that has developed and built
the first commercially available waterless textile dyeing machines. By using
recycled carbon dioxide, the DyeCoo technology eliminates use of water in
the textile dyeing process.
Mr. Eric Sprunk,
Vice President - Merchandising and Product, Nike