Page 38 - TM-Feb-12

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The Textile Magazine
half of the year amounted to 399.6
million CHF. Orders in hand at
year-end were slightly over 600 mil-
lion CHF.
China, Turkey and India were the
sources of the largest volume of or-
ders. Other important markets were
South Korea, Indonesia, the US,
Brazil, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
All in all, Rieter further expanded
its market position worldwide in the
year under review and gained mar-
ket share with attractive products. In
China and India Rieter strengthened
its market position with a specific
offering for the local markets. This
shows that Rieter positioned itself
well and made the right investment
decisions in earlier years.
Due to the high level of orders in
hand and increased output at Spun
Yarn Systems, Rieter’s sales rose
overall by 22 per cent compared
with the previous year, to 1,060.8
million CHF (+27 per cent in local
currencies). The Spun Yarn Systems
Business Group posted a 28 per cent
increase in sales to 861.7 million
CHF. Sales at the Premium Textile
Components Business Group in-
creased by 4 per cent to 199.1 mil-
lion CHF. In local currencies Spun
Yarn Systems grew by 32 per cent
and Premium Textile Components
by 11 per cent.
Profit outlook
Rieter achieved disproportionate
growth in profitability in the 2011
financial year as a whole. The com-
pany expects to post an operating
margin (EBIT) in the double-digit
range for 2011. The final figures for
2011 and the annual report will be
published on March 21.
Rieter is a leading supplier on the
world market for textile machinery
and components used in short staple
fiber spinning. Based in Winterthur
(Switzerland), the company devel-
ops and manufactures systems, ma-
chinery and technology components
used to convert natural and man-
made fibers and their blends into
Rieter is the only supplier world-
wide to cover spinning preparation
processes as well as all four final
spinning processes currently es-
tablished on the market. With 18
manufacturing locations in nine
countries, the company employs a
global workforce of some 4,700, 28
per cent of whom are based in Swit-
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