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The Textile Magazine
ITEMA has a tradition of
more than 150 years with an
installed base of over three
lakh weaving machines..
With global presence in
more than 100 countries
ensuring a fast and reliable
service, ITEMA is legendary
for being the sole provider
of three shuttleless weft
insertion systems.
Besides the Rapier and Air jet,
it has the proven Projectile tech-
nology. The three brands – Sultex,
Somet and Vamatex – guarantee the
right weaving machine for any type
of woven fabric. From
commodity to high-
fashion or industrial
fabrics, ITEMA has
the right weaving ma-
chine for it.
I Whether your re-
quirements call for the
most flexible rapier
technology, a projec-
tile weaving machine
for demanding tech-
nical fabrics or high
performance air-jets
with the lowest air
consumption, ITEMA
Weaving is the ideal
The ever-increasing
quality criteria for
high-end machinery
are satisfied by the
top-class weaving ma-
chines with the three
different technologies (rapier,
air-jet and projectile) that only
ITEMA Weaving can offer.
The Vamatex Silver 501
confirms its position as
the benchmark in
cotton weav-
ing, particu-
larly for high-
class shirting
terry version
Vamatex Silver
Dynaterry will
d emo n s t r a t e
its excellence
in combining high productivity and
top quality weaving of terry towel or
bathmat fabric.
Special machines are designed by
the Customized Weaving Technol-
ogy (CWT) Group. CWT applica-
tions are the first choice for heavy
industrial textiles with a fabric width
up to 655 cm and beat-up force up to
15’000 N/m.
Indian operations
ITEMA Weaving (India) Private
Ltd. was formed on January 1, 2008,
by merging Sultex (India) Private
Ltd. with Promatech Division of
ITEMA India to look after sales,
service and spare parts business of
Promatech (Somet and Vamatex
products), Sultex (Products) and
the ITEMA Shanghai-assembled
weaving machines. The merger has
given synergy in sales and service
activities of the company which will
benefit all the customers of Sultex,
Mr. Gerald Hunziker,
Director-Sales, ITEMA
cover story