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The Textile Magazine
DuPont’s closer ties
with BSL
Mr. Gowri Nagarajan,
Manager, E I DuPont In-
dia Pvt. Ltd, says: “What
amazes me when I think
about Banswara Syntex as a
fabric and apparel producer
is the fact that the energy
for new product develop-
ment and perfection in what
they set out to do percolates
right from the Senior Man-
agement in Mumbai to the
Shop Floor in Banswara,
The passion with which
the entire Toshniwal fam-
ily and senior management
like Mr. Hemal Malaviya,
Head of Marketing, and Mr.
Sajal, Head of Operations, work in
delivering value to the customers is
quite infectious and rubs through
the entire value chain. The entire
team loves the challenge of de-
veloping new products, and it is a
pleasure working with such a team
in the industry.
I have personally enjoyed every
single interaction with Mr. Ravi
Toshniwal and have always left
with some interesting Brand/Re-
tailer insight and some new ways
to tackle the ever-changing require-
ments of the downstream custom-
What is popularly called in Du-
Pont as the “market-back” ap-
proach where one thinks of new
developments with the end cus-
tomer in mind, this is indeed put
to excellent practice at Banswara
where their constant dialogue with
customers both locally and globally
keep feeding them with new ideas
to take their developments forward.
Being a vertically integrated player
right from fibers to garments, they
look for ways to incorporate inno-
vation into the fabrics in every step
of the value chain”.
Mr. Gowri Nagarajan,
Business Development Manager,
E I DuPont India Pvt. Ltd,
player (i.e., right from conceiv-
ing an idea for fabric to the final
product ready to wear in the least
possible lead-time).
Both these units are equipped
with a full complement of high-
end machines to manufacture
trousers and jackets of the fin-
est quality, namely, marking
and grading on a CAD system
from Rich Peace, Sewing line
consists of Juki machines, au-
tomatic welting machines from
Eagle, curtain felling machines
from Union Special, Eyelet But-
tonhole machines from Reece
and blind loop machines from
Mair and the complete pressing
process from Rotondi, including
leggers, toppers and side seam
BSL has a monthly capacity to
manufacture 2,70,000 pieces of
readymade trousers and 25,000
pieces of readymade jackets. It is
increasing its weaving capacity
and almost doubling its garment-
ing capacity over the next three
years, besides growing yarn dye-
ing, cotton and wool dying.
BSL is amongst the few com-
panies which survived the textile
downturn with its integrated ca-
pacity, new product development
and strong relationship with its
key customers. The company
has consistently generated prof-
its and has never restructured its
debts unlike many others in the
textile sector.
corporate news