Page 21 - TM-Feb-12

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The Textile Magazine
“Unlike in Mainland China, ex-
pectation of the discerning spinners
in these countries is different in
adaptation of the technology for a
more versatile requirements. Coarse
counts, denim counts and now finer
counts NE 24, 30, 40 for hosiery as
well as weaving, all having different
quality parameters, necessitate the
Open End Machine to be truly per-
formance oriented. We are proud to
say that we are offering to the indus-
try ET 380 with superior technol-
ogy, excellent price / performance /
economy ratio, which meets fully all
these expectations”.
Mr. Kubicek adds: “We take our
commitment seriously and hence
have just completed establishing a
very strong marketing network, fully
capable of giving expert after-sales
service. In Bangladesh our partner
is Imminent Technology Ltd. (ILT),
Dhaka, headed by Mr. M.R. Karim,
Managing Director. In India the job
has been entrusted to Orbit Integrat-
ed Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad,
headed by Mr. Satish Mangaonkar,
and Krishna Vardhan Texnology In-
dia Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore, headed by
Mr. Krishnasubramanian. Both of
them are veterans of our 40 years of
exposure to marketing of textile ma-
chinery and have handled prestig-
ious European, Indian and Chinese
machinery. We hope to complete in
the next 3 to 4 months the formali-
ties, both technical and commercial,
with the prospective clients and will
be able to have a few installations in
India by the end 2012”.
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