Page 12 - TM-Feb-12

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Indorama launches Inviya
India’s first spandex filament yarn
facility to be commissioned
cover story
Inviya was launched at the All In-
dia Textile Conference held recently
in New Delhi by Indorama Indus-
tries. Indorama is synonymous with
pioneering advancements in manu-
facturing of polymers for applica-
tions in textile and apparel produc-
tion. With the launch of the spandex
filament, the company will bring
forth the advantages of this innova-
tive technology for the first time in
the country.
The revolutionary product is to
be produced at the plant in Baddi,
Indorama Industries Ltd.
(IIL), part of Indorama
Corporation, Singapore,
has launched the new
revolutionary branded
spandex product “Inviya”,
setting new standard for
innovation. It is now the
only company in India to
manufacture spandex
filament. Inviya, the new
freedom fibre, is a hi-tech
spandex filament that will
revolutionise the fashion
industry in India.
Mr. Sri Prakash Lohia,
Chairman, Indorama Corporation
By K. Gopalakrishnan
The Textile Magazine