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Heinz Michel
is the new CEO of Santex
Heinz Michel was active during
the last three years as CEO of the
Benninger Group in Uzwil, Swit-
zerland. As CEO of Benninger he
managed one of the worst periods
in the company’s history, which was
caused by the global financial crises.
Before that he headed the textile ma-
chine component manufacturer Oer-
likon Heberlein Temco in Wattwil,
Switzerland, for 13 years as CEO.
Stefano Gallucci, President of
the Santex Group, said: “Santex is
moving and planning further growth
for the coming years. We have re-
cently acquired new companies and
gathered great people who foster
new synergies in research, produc-
tion and marketing. For over 40
years clients from all over
the world chose our ma-
chines and our service
team because we helped
to improve their business.
Mr. Michel’s managerial
experience, energy and en-
thusiasm fully represent
our mission and principles.
We believe he is the leader
our people need to face the
new challenges and goals
of the coming years.”
Heinz Michel, CEO, ob-
served: “I am impressed
about the wide knowledge
of the Santex Group em-
ployees; with this know-
how I am convinced the
Santex Group is able to
offer unique new techno-
logical solutions with a
substantial customer benefit and first
class service.”
The Santex Group is a globally
active enterprise with its own pro-
duction and service locations in Eu-
rope, China and India. The group
develops and produces systems and
machines for the finishing of quality
knitted as well as wool fabrics, fur-
thermore state-of-the-art technology
for coating and laminating of mul-
tiple technical textile substrates and
Prepreg for the production of high
quality composite materials (car-
bon- and glass fabrics, etc.).
The group works with the well-
known brands Santex, Cavitec, Iso-
tex, SperottoRimar and Santex Non-
The Board of Directors of
Santex Holding AG, based
in Tobel, Switzerland, has
appointed Heinz Michel as
the new Group CEO and
Member of the Board with
effect from January 1,
The Textile Magazine