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The Textile Magazine
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute,
an emerging Centre of Excellence
sional managers who will become
inspiring performers and decision
makers capable of attaining high
standards and competitive edge to
bring the Indian textile industry to
the forefront”, says Dr. S.R. Pujar,
SVPISTM Director.
The location of the institute in the
Manchester of South India provides
the best possible learning environ-
ment for textile/apparel/retail educa-
tion. With more than 25,000 small,
medium and large industrial units,
Coimbatore’s primary industries are
engineering and textiles.
The city also has central textile re-
search institutes like the Central In-
stitute for Cotton Research (CICR)
and the South Indian Textiles Re-
search Association (SITRA). There-
fore, the proximity to the textile
industry offers tremendous oppor-
tunities to the students for gaining
Recognizing the greater role it has
to play for the benefit of the textile
sector, the institute was upgraded as
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Interna-
tional School of Textiles and Man-
agement (SVPISTM) by the then
Minister for Textiles, Mr. Dayanidhi
Maran, on July 7, 2010.
As a centre for focused manage-
ment education, the institute aims to
groom aspiring youngsters into new
age professional managers capable
of leading the Indian industry to the
pinnacle of world textile galaxy.
The institute, which commenced the
synergy of technology and manage-
ment with management education
programmes, has extended its foray
into the areas of research, consul-
tancy, executive development and
knowledge management. By carry-
ing out a number of industry-specif-
ic activities, it has by now emerged
a premier centre of textile manage-
ment excellence.
“Management Education is cre-
ating a strong cadre of profes-
Dr. S.R. Pujar,
SVPISTM Director
By Ganesh Kalidasan