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Environmental impact
a major
issue facing textile manufacturers
industry update
Business success not only comes
from pushing more sales. We live in
a world where the growing popula-
tion and the opening up of markets
across the developing world have
created new opportunities for busi-
ness, while simultaneously increas-
ing the already intense pressure on
the planet’s resources. Sustainabil-
ity is now a mainstream issue for ap-
parel and footwear industries also.
Brands and fashions are used to
make a statement by the consumer
about who they are and what they
stand for. The textiles and foot-
wear industries are therefore be-
ing given impetus for change from
two sources – consumers who want
more eco-friendly, recyclable prod-
ucts from sustainable sources, and
the pressure on resources. Creative
and thoughtful solutions developed
by these industries in response to
consumer concerns have stepped up
The apparel and footwear
industries will be facing
a lot of challenges with
consumers calling big
brands to account for
the environmental impact
of their products and
manufacturers turning to
sustainability to both save
resources and drive down
The Textile Magazine
Ms. Karen E. Kyllo,
Deputy Vice President,
Global Softlines