Page 88 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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adept at evaporation
and drying systems
corporate news
Unitop has been in the forefront in
recovery from waste for the past 34
years offering various projects such
as heat recovery, salt recovery and
caustic recovery systems.
Unitop was founded in 1974 by
Mr. Mondkar, a Chemical Engineer
from IIT Mumbai. He says one of
the early breakthroughs was made
with United Bleachers and Madura
Coats in the 1980s. Mercerisers for
textile mills generate dilute caustic
liquor, which, if drained to effluent
treatment plant, will create consid-
erable problems in meeting the en-
vironmental standards. Caustic soda
recovery plant concentrating wash
liquor and using the same back in
merceriser is the only feasible so-
lution. Further, the payback period
is less than 5-6 months. Today the
company has a long list of custom-
ers playing a prominent role in the
Indian textile industry.
The company has further expand-
ed its base in zero effluent discharge
systems by evaporation and drying
of rejects of reverse osmosis systems
for effluent / water. “We are the only
company of our size to offer both
evaporation and drying solutions,
and we can claim with confidence
that our efficiency parameters are
the best in the market”, he says.
Some organisations are
built on strong founda-
tion, thanks to the inno-
vation and technological
leadership provided by
their founders. Unitop is
one such company which
has established leader-
ship in evaporation and
drying sytems, thanks
to the vision provided by
Mr. S.M. Mondkar, its
Mr. S.M. Mondkar
By K. Gopalakrishnan
The Textile Magazine