Page 78 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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Tiger Rings
partners Leo Agencies
for Indian market
TIGER, which stands for Textile
Intelligent Group of Excellent Rings,
was started by Mr. Bo Michael
Kristoffersen last year. The
manufacturing facil-
ity is based out of
Germany. The
company ini-
tially launched
its products
in Africa and
South Ameri-
Mr. Bo Michael
Kristoffersen comes with years of
experience in the textile industry.
He has earlier worked with Rieter
The German ring manufac-
turer Tiger Rings has part-
nered with Leo Agencies for
distribution of its products
in India. Effective August
2011, Leo Agencies has
been conducting trial runs
of the rings in 20 differ-
ent customer locations and
the response has been very
encouraging, says Mr. S.T.
Rengarajan, who is heading
the company.
Mr. S.T. Rengarajan, Leo Agencies, and Mr. Bo Michael Kristoffersen, Tiger Rings
By K. Gopalakrishnan
The Textile Magazine