Page 70 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
automatic dosing
and dyeing machines
Renewed success for Tecnorama
at Barcelona ITMA 2011: more than
1.000 visitors appreciated the latest
developments and innovations dis-
played. Some sales contracts were
finalized directly at the fair.
Besides the upgrade of Dos&Dye
Compact, the automatic system for
laboratory dyeing, Tecnorama pre-
sented its new Dosorama HS that
helps carry out more complete reci-
pes with a better accuracy and speed
which is 10 times faster than the
best machines so far available on
the market.
Another innovation was Spec-
trorma, the undoubtedly forefront
that excited interest and satisfaction:
it’s the unique device that facilitates
a detailed color analysis during the
dyeing cycle.
Patented all over the world, the
machines conceived and proposed
by Tecnorama confirm the engage-
ment and the passion of the techni-
cians of the Research and Develop-
ment Centre to answer to all market
needs offering efficient solutions to
obtain the exact planned result by
optimizing resources and costs.
In an interview to
The Tex-
tile Magazine
, Mr. Mario
Scatizzi, Owner of Tecnorama,
spoke in detail about the new prod-
ucts and innovations and also about
the Indian market.
Question: What was the high-
light of Tecnorama’s participa-
Mr. Mario Scatizzi and Mrs. Romana Barni, owners of Tecnorama
By K. Gopalakrishnan