Page 60 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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leads Indian market
in electronic jacquards
Mr. Anand Agate says: “The idea
behind starting the office in India
was to provide complete service
support to the local clients, and
that’s how we have been very suc-
cessful. We take care of the entire
sale, installation and after-sales
service support for our clients”.
Bonas is a clear market leader in
the electronic jacquard business in
India. The company has over 3,000
electronic jacquards running in 200
customer locations across India. In-
dia is among the top five markets for
Bonas worldwide, according Mr.
Anand Agate.
Mr. Agate has a team of Sales
Manager, a service support man-
ager and six engineers. The jacquard
market in India is roughly 6 to 7%
of the total weaving market and the
potential is around 200 jacquards
annually. But in the last couple of
years, the market has been flooded
with second-hand electronic jac-
quard machines due to the recession
in the European and American mar-
Bonas has recently introduced a
revolutionary adjustable split heck
Bonas, the inventor of
electronic jacquards, has
completed 20 years since
it established its liason
office in India way back
in 1991. The company
started its branch office
subsequently in 1994.
The Indian operations are
headed by its General Man-
ager, Mr. Anand Agate,
who has been associated
with Bonas India since its
Mr. Anand Agate,
General Manager
By K. Gopalakrishnan
The Textile Magazine