Page 54 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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timely, constructive
tie-up with Chicago Blowers
corporate news
With minimal investment and
workforce, Draft Air commenced
its journey in 1986 under the able
guidance of Mr. G.D. Panchal, its
Founder and Chairman. Today,
Draft-Air’s state-of-the-art humidi-
fication, ventilation, pressurisation,
waste recovery, and dust extraction
& air conditioning systems have met
with success at every turn as they
expand markets across industries
and geographically.
The company philosophy of treat-
ing each client, his requirements and
conditions as separate and unique,
and to design from scratch for each
such set of parameters, as opposed
to standardised solutions, has paid
rich dividends. Creative design, in-
corporating innovative concepts, so-
phisticated equipment and processes
worldwide, coupled with a passion
for delivering only the very best,
sticking to pre-determined sched-
ules and continued after-sales moni-
toring and upgradation back-up, has
been the hallmark of the company’s
Draft-Air’s recent collaboration
with Chicago Blowers, an American
Draft Air is a key com-
ponent provider to
the textile sector. It
provides complete hu-
midification and cen-
tralised waste recovery
solutions to the textile
industry on a turnkey
Mr. G.D. Panchal, Chairman & Managing Director, Draft Air, and Mr. J.J. Dubeck,
President, Chicago Blowers
By Ganesh Kalidasan
The Textile Magazine