Page 44 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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focus on energy
efficiency & technical textiles
An insider tip on Brückner’s
booth was the presentation chamber
for the newly developed POWER-
FRAME ECO stenter. Low-tension
fabric transport, minimum energy
consumption and maximum pro-
ductivity are the key words for this
revolutionary dryer technology. A
central heating system, a completely
new air guidance system and a so-
phisticated temperature control sys-
tem help save up to 30 per cent of
energy compared to usual stenters
with heat recov-
ery, depending
on the process
and fabric type,
and production
can be consider-
ably increased.
This technology
was shown by
means of a com-
plex 3D anima-
tion, and Brück-
also field reports
from an already
existing line in
production at a
customer in Ger-
The run to this
presentation was
very big just as
the interest in
other new tech-
nologies such as
a new nonwovens dryer. “Some-
times we could have shut our booth
because it was overcrowded”, said
owner Regina Brückner with sat-
isfaction. “We are very glad about
the great interest in our new devel-
opments, and we feel once again
confirmed in our role as technology
pioneer. We thank our customers
very much for their interest and the
intensive discussions, and we are
looking forward to our future posi-
tive cooperation”.
Brückner looks back to a
very successful participa-
tion in this year’s ITMA
in Barcelona. As a leading
manufacturer of finishing
lines for textiles, nonwo-
vens and technical textiles
Brückner presented many
new products and develop-
ments. Energy efficiency
and technical textiles were
the issues in the fore-
Ms. Regina Brückner
By K. Gopalakrishnan
The Textile Magazine