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The Textile Magazine
Encouraging response for 67th AITC
The 67th edition of the All In-
dia Textile Conference (AITC),
hosted by the Delhi Unit of The
Textile Association (India), will
be held in New Delhi on Febru-
ary 4 and 5 next. The confer-
ence will be attended by a large
number of textile professionals
from all over the country and
from abroad.
The theme of the conference is
“Textile & Clothing - Emerging
Global Scenario”, with its very
sharp focus on the various as-
pects and dimensions of the fast
evolving trends in the entire eco-
system of the textile and cloth-
ing industry across the globe.
The Conference Chairman,
Mr. Ashok Juneja, said that this
edition of AITC is designed to be
a “conference with a difference” as it will offer a highly
“delegate-friendly” format by way of panel discussions
instead of the age-old class-room paper presentations.
He observed: “The 67th AITC will offer multi-dimen-
sional content, relating to the most significant aspects
of the textile and clothing industry, and will be the first-
ever convergence of senior bureaucrats, super-specialist
technicians, decision-makers from the industry and re-
nowned subject-matter experts from India and abroad,
on one platform for sharing thoughts, discussing solu-
tions, and laying the road-map for the future of the tex-
tile and clothing industry in India.”
Mr. R.K. Vij, President of the Delhi unit of TAI, said
that the conference will be attended by over 500 del-
egates from various segments of the textile and apparel
industry from India and abroad. The conference will
cover a wide array of distinct subject lines like envi-
ronment and sustainability, corporate social responsibil-
ity, technology, investment and
infrastructure, attracting invest-
ments in the textile sector, etc.
Mr. R. Dudeja, the Confer-
ence Secretary and also the Vice
Chairman of the Delhi Unit of
TAI, said the conference will
enable industry professionals to
absorb new thoughts and ideas
and introduce them to the latest
in technology and innovations
from across the globe. It will
also offer excellent networking
opportunities to all the partici-
pants. Elaborating the content
and format of the conference, he
said: “The 67th AITC will have
panel discussions in an interac-
tive format, on a wide array of
currently relevant topics, with
the panelists being drawn from
the entire spectrum of textile and clothing industry from
both India and abroad. This will be the first-ever dis-
cussion-oriented conclave in which the renowned and
seasoned decision-makers and captains of the industry
will share their experience and vision with the large
congregation of professionals from textile, apparel and
retail industry, on a public platform.”
The conference is being supported by Indorama In-
dustries Ltd., Indonesia, Sutlej Textile Industries Ltd.,
T T Group, Kirloskar Toyoda Textile Machinery, Wel-
known Polyester, Bombay Dyeing, ITME Society, Ri-
eter, Paramount, Alps Industries, Pan Overseas, Orient
Syntex and Indian Card Clothing, besides the Union
Ministry of Textiles.
TAI has been serving the Indian textile industry for
over seven decades since inception in 1939. It has 27
affiliated units at various textile centers in the country,
accounting for a member strength of over 22,000.
Mr. Ashok Juneja
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The Textile Magazine