Page 128 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
Mr. Jean-Luc Margot-
Duclot, Executive Vice-
President of PREDA,
highlighted the lead-
ing place of Paris as the
world capital of fashion
and home design. Over 40
shows and more than 60
events take place in Paris
each year making the city
an accessible destination
for shows.
Exhibiting in these
shows gives the ideal op-
portunity to be in touch
with global markets and
to reach out to Europe.
Mr. Margot Duclot dis-
closed that fashion and
home trade fairs are true
sources of inspiration that
boosts creativity. They
anticipate consumer de-
sires and emerging fashion trends.
India is a very strategic market place
for France. Indian businesses have a
significant presence at the Paris Re-
gion exhibitions with a high poten-
tial of development.
During the discussion Mr. Etienne
Cochet, President of Paris Capital
de la Creation and Managing Direc-
said that MAISON&OBJET is the
key reference in the world of home
fashion where latest trends, cultures
and lifestyle cross paths. He stressed
that fashion is at the very heart of
home décor and MAISON&OBJET
the reflection and the precursor of
this trend.
Ms. Taya de Reynies, the Lingerie
Division Director at Eurovet organ-
CITY in Paris and the shows IN-
TERFILIERE in Paris, Shanghaï
and Hong Kong, stressed that the
shows should respond to the market
needs. Proof is, the success of the
change of dates of the shows Inter-
filière and Mode City last July, initi-
ated by Eurovet to suit the require-
ments of the market.
Mr. Jacques Brunel, Première Vi-
sion General Director, presented
Première Vision, the world’s pre-
mier fabrics show, and Première
Vision Pluriel, the banner which
gathers twice a year a strong and
coherent ensemble of 6 shows that
continue to attract large numbers of
international visitors Indian profes-
sionals and the fact it maintains its
position as the world leader in the
field of fashion.
Mr. Eric Lenoir Dircetor of SIL-
MO said how the exhibition which
was held in Paris from September 29
to October 2 lived up to the summer
temperatures of Paris.
Talking about Galeries Lafayette,
Mr. Thierry Vanier, Head, Interna-
tional Sales of Galeries Lafayette,
observed that promoting creation
is one of the group’s core values,
and added “sab kuch milega” at the
Galeries Lafayette.
The world’s No.1 region for
congresses and international trade
shows, Paris hosts every year more
than 440 trade shows covering all
business sectors and welcomes 10
million professional visitors and
100,000 exhibition companies, thus
making itself a major economic
Etienne Cochet, Gauri Karan, Jean Luc, Margot-Duclot, Suzanne Roshan and Eric Lenoir