Page 12 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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optimistic of
spinning sector prospects
Within the textile industry, my
personal experience is limited to
spinning, so I will concentrate on
this sector only.
In the past 20 years, India has
progressed greatly. Just think of
the airports we had then, compared
to now! Or look at the cars you find
on the roads, or look at the roads
themselves! In other areas the
progress seems to be lacking: the
traffic discipline is no much better
in my subjective judgment than it
was 20 years ago.
While India’s progress is unde-
niable and very, very remarkable,
China has progressed more, it
seems. Why?
I am no social scientist, just a
mechanical engineer, but it seems
to me that a certain lack of disci-
pline is hindering India to live up
While I have not been as-
sociated with the Indian
textile industry as long
as The Textile Magazine
you are reading right
now, in the past nearly
20 years I have had the
privilege to visit India
very frequently. At the
same time, I could also
visit other major Asian
centers of the textile
industry, such as Bang-
ladesh, Indonesia and of
course China.
Mr. Peter Stahlecker,
Managing Director, Suessen
The Textile Magazine