Page 114 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
and more versatility as the length of
the ROTORA Y & F beam machine
is adapted to the width of the fab-
ric and/or the number of cones to be
Callebaut de Blicquy (CDB) in-
troduced its latest improvements in
dye-work management optimiza-
At the laboratory level: With
CDB specific device for “online”
color measuring, integrated to the
dyeing machine or any other equip-
ment requiring it, and with their
own lab equipment allowing both
process optimization and significant
production cost savings.
At the industrial level: CDB
introduced machines for economi-
cal and ecologically high density
bleaching and dyeing of loose stock
fibers, tow and bumps (up to 700 kg
per cubic meter for acrylic or poly-
ester tow and more than 350 kg per
cubic meter for loose cotton fibers),
allowing huge savings in water,
steam and ingredients consumption,
and so providing the most competi-
tive cost prices (up to 25 per cent
cost reduction).
The latest version of ROUSSE-
LET ROBATEL continuous cen-
trifugal hydro-extractor achieved
great success at ITMA. The various
and numerous loose stock proces-
sors involved in dyeing, bleaching
or washing have been impressed by
energy cost savings such centrifuge
allows at the level of the drying op-
eration, and appreciated its newly
designed full opening and pneu-
matically driven top lid, which sig-
nificantly reduces basket inspection
and cleaning times, and increasing
its productivity and improving its
The interest on the DOLLFUS &
MULLER booth was specially on
the new compactor felt for the knit-
ted fabrics finishing which brings
many new advantages: higher com-
paction, softer for quicker running
in, peach skin surface for a better
finishing of light weight open width
fabrics. Many contacts were also
made concerning the dryer belts and
the sanfor felts.
David Fauconnier, Sales Director,
said: “ITMA 2011 surpassed our
expectations. The number of visi-
tors at the DOLLFUS & MULLER
booth increased by more than 40%
compared with the previous edition
of ITMA. Many new contacts were
made with prospects from such
countries as Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan
and Iran as well from India, France,
Germany, Italy, Spain and Brazil.”
Last but not the least, during the
proudly celebrated its 200th anni-
Visitors discovered Calemard’s
new generation cutter Softegder,
developed especially for flat and
smooth edges on narrow strips
100% PE, Tafta or satin.
The Decoup + Ultrasonic Division
introduced its new mini-press to per-
form cutting, welding and punching
operations: even more compact,
more versatile, with easier settings
and maintenance.
The customers were searching for
high quality devices but also cus-
tomized solutions as per their needs,
with the same objective: add value
to their final product.
AESA, the specialist in air-condi-
tioning and waste collection systems
for all textile factories, was positive-
ly impressed with the ITMA Barce-
lona results, noting a big increase in
the number of visitors compared to
the previous edition.
Schaeffer productique
The main product innovation in-
troduced at ITMA 2011 was the in-
teractive mobility application linked
with the textile specialized ERP,
available in SaaS mode, thanks to
the Cloud Computing technologies
and the Tablet PCs.
It is a very good solution for the
textile producers’ objectives to net-
work through internet with their
own clients, and a real added value
for textile of Schaeffer’s ERP/CRM
business software.
For Rémy Wolfer, the export
manager, “ITMA in Barcelona was
a great success as more than 20 new
projects should be finalized before
the end of 2011.”
ITMA 2011