Page 102 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
to countries like the US, Brazil, the
UK, Switzerland, Germany, Spain,
Italy, Turkey, China, Hong Kong,
Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan,
Korea, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
In addition to its comprehensive
worldwide network, Bodal also has
superior distribution facilities strate-
gically located throughout Europe,
Asia and the Asia-Pacific region.
Through warehousing, storage de-
pots and office set-ups, the company
is able to respond quickly to custom-
er needs and deliver products to suit
their convenience. Today Bodal is
one of the largest manufacturers and
exporters of intermediates in India.
A 450 tpd sulphuric acid plant was
successfully commissioned at the
company’s Unit No.VII located at
Dudhwada, Vadodara, in July 2010.
Bodal has also manufacturing facil-
ity for production of dyes and dye
intermediates at the same location.
Hence, the company has a unique
locational advantage which helps it
in saving transportation cost, easy
and timely availability of acid for
dye intermediates.
From a negligible turnover in the
beginning, Bodal has crossed the
Rs. 500-crore mark for the very first
time and touched a level of Rs. 558
crores in 2010-11, out of which ex-
ports accounted for 45 per cent.
The company spokesperson Mr.
Bhavin S. Patel, is confident that
the group would reach the Rs.
1,000-crore milestone before the end
of this decade. Out of total dyestuff
sale, about 80 per cent is exported,
and as for basic chemicals it is main-
ly sold in the domestic market.
Last year, Bodal Chemical
launched a unique brand of reactive
dyes called ‘Bodactive’ for the tex-
tile industry. Introduction of the Bo-
dactive range heralds the launching
of nanotechnology for the first time.
These are the pure and superior
quality dyes for the textile industry.
Bodactive BNC (Bodal Nano
Chemistry) Technology is highly ef-
fective to gain reproducibility, and
the level dyeing of cellulosic ma-
terials provides latest generation of
dyes with features of high solubility
& outstanding high strength. Molec-
ular structure of each product in this
range has been designed according
to the economic recipes and right-
first time dyeing.
Bodal has started marketing its
own Brand name “BODACTIVE”
dyestuff products with its own dis-
tribution channel partners in India
and worldwide. At present, it has 35
distributors in India and 15 agents in
different countries.
The company continues to put re-
lentless focus on developing high
quality products to drive growth
and also endeavour to reduce cost.
It relies on a sound platform with its
forward and backward integration.
It is also supported by a strong back-
end in procurement, manufacturing,
product development, IT and human
resource management.
Being in the chemical industry,
Bodal is subject to various environ-
ment & pollution control regula-
tions, including safety and emis-
sion norms. The company addresses
these issues through advance plan-
ning and allocation of sufficient
physical and human resources, ef-
fluent treatment facilities and proc-
ess controls.
Bodal Chemicals Ltd. now en-
joys the status of Two-Star Export
house. The company also has ISO
9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004
certifications for production of dye
intermediates & dyestuffs.