The Textile Magazine
August 2012
capital employed.
In fact, apart from competing
and delivering in the domestic
market, the company is ready to
drive India’s export thrust in global
markets. In the last 10 years global
textile trade has been dominated by
China. But, recently, China is wit-
nessing an increase in labour costs,
currency appreciation and environ-
mental concerns that have affected
their competitiveness. In the long
run, the need to cater to a growing
domestic demand with
the shift to becoming an
advanced economy that
has less emphasis on
sectors like textiles will
provide an opportunity
to countries like India
to expand their market
share. This opens up
opportunities for Alok.
Mr. Dilip B. Jiwrajka,
Managing Director, ob-
serves: “Our objective
now is to be seen as the
innovation leader for our industry.
This focus cements our commit-
ment to customers to continually
improve the value proposition we
offer. With optimization of new ex-
panded capacities and the comple-
tion of the balancing capex pro-
grammes, we anticipate our sales,
profits and cash flows to improve
substantially from fiscal year 2013.
Going forward, the objective would
be to focus on innovation, expand-
ing our position across new mar-
kets and to leverage our dominant
position to accelerate growth. Alok
now embarks on the most important
leg of its journey thus far. This is
an exciting time for the company,
and we expect sustained growth and
continued improvement in share-
holder returns since all building
blocks are in place”.
Alok’s Spinning Division was set
up in 2007, as a backward integra-
tion measure. Commencing opera-
tions with a rather modest 50,000
ring spindles and 900 rotors, Alok
has consistently added capacities
to become one amongst the largest
spinning units in the country with
4,11,000 ring spindles and 5,960
open end rotors.
The technology adopted is highly
modern and automated. The unit is
capable of producing a wide range
of cotton / blended yarn starting
from 6 OE count to 120 count ring
yarn, both compact and regular.
It also has in-house gassing and
doubling capacities for higher ap-
Says Mr. Sapan Mukherjee,
cover story