The Textile Magazine
August 2012
knowledge series
The USTER QUANTUM 2 CAY (computer-aided
yarn clearing) was a major step towards identifying
the yarn body and defining limits based on the yarn
body. Now, thanks to the powerful new sensor and
processing electronics in the innovative USTER
QUANTUM 3, the yarn body is finally visible. For
the first time ever, smart technology enables it to
analyze and ‘capture’ the yarn body after less than
two minutes of running yarn through the clearer.
For spinners, the benefits are instant. Firstly, the
task of defining the right clearing limits is dramati-
cally shortened and simplified, since the bound-
ary of the yarn body is visible in real-time on the
display. Secondly, clearing limits can follow the
boundary of the yarn body and prevent outlier thick
and thin places from getting into the final fabric re-
sulting in consistent quality. Thirdly, the yarn body
visualization also prevents the setting of clearing
limits which would cause unnecessary cuts in the
yarn body area to remove defects which are not dis-
turbing. As well as reducing winding productivity,
such cuts require additional splices that could lead
he target with clearing limits for yarn clearers is to remove
disturbing faults (outliers) without touching frequently-
occurring events, which is defined as the ‘yarn body’. These
frequently occurring events do not represent faults and therefore
normally do not have to be cut. Conventional clearers used the
so-called “class clearing” and/or “channel clearing” to reach this
objective. Both methods are less effective since they could either
leave disturbing faults in or result in too many unjustified cuts
mainly because the yarn body was difficult to monitor and display.