The Textile Magazine
APRIL 2012
Technopak Apparel Forum
focus on
lean manufacturing, best practices
The Technopak Apparel Forum
(TAF), 2012, was conducted on
March 24 at the Fortune Park Klas-
sik, Ludhiana, with its theme “Pur-
suing Manufacturing Excellence”. It
had its special focus on implement-
ing lean manufacturing and best
practices in the apparel industry.
The event was attended by repre-
sentatives from the key players in the
apparel industry, including Reebok,
Vardhman, Eve Line International,
Gini & Jony, Arihant International,
R.B. Knit Exports, KOC Industries
and SGS.
The workshop started with the
welcome speech by Mr. Amit
Mishra, Associate Director, Apparel
Operations at Technopak. This was
followed by the keynote presenta-
tion on the current buzzword in the
manufacturing set-up, “Lean Manu-
facturing”, by Mr. Ravi Katyayan,
Principal Consultant at Technopak,
and assisted by Mr. Chandrark
Karekatti, Consultant at Technopak.
A detailed roadmap was present-
ed on the various aspects of lean
manufacturing along with its imple-
mentation in garment factories. The
concepts of single piece flow, just-
in-time, continuous improvement,
error proofing, and Right First Time,
among others, were explained in de-
tail. The presentation also explained
exactly how the various tools and
processes can be applied to apparel
industries. The concept of best prac-
tices that help transform factories
Mr. Ravi Katyayan, Principal Consultant, Apparel Operations, Technopak, making the key note
presentation on “Lean Manufacturing”