In 2006 Corino Macchine first launched on the market the complete entry for the digital printing machines, a device which, with its functions, performance and reliability, has immediately won the trust of the Italian and foreign markets. This year – always in the digital printing field – it has designed and manufactured a machinery with an innovative idea.
By accommodating the requests of the printers who need to pre-treat the fabric with special products for optimizing the colours’ absorption during the printing phase and at the same time to make these operation on straight wefts, Corino has integrated in one machine the straightening and impregnation steps.
This solution, by putting together the extraordinary compactness of the machinery and a big simplification of the two processes, with a considerable reduction of the runtimes, gives a full answer to the needs of a growing market that is in a continuous research of new and strong technologies.
At the entry of the machine, the combination of an expanding and a centering device allows to present the fabric in the correct way for the first weft straightening operation where the weft distortions are removed. The special machine’s design, envisaged for allowing the maximum of versatility, enables the fitting in of either a pin wheels weftstraightener or an optical one, for treating to the best both woven and knitted fabrics.
After this step, the fabric is impregnated and then squeezed in a suitable padder, and it is ready to go to the stenter frame for drying.
All this is made in a one metre width machine that eases the special cleaning required in the printing area and needs very simple maintenance.