The Cotton Association of India (CAI) has launched its plan to popularise Suvin Ratna. This cotton variety was created by Indian scientists in 1967-68 by combining the ‘Sujata’ cotton variety from India and the Sea Island cotton variety ‘St. Vincent’ and thus named it Suvin. It is arguably the best cotton in the world.
The special care required by the farmer to produce it makes Suvin both expensive and rare. The quantity grown to this superfine cotton is restricted to a few thousand bales in Tamil Nadu and almost all of this small crop is bought by the Japanese textile mills.
Most people have the perception that there is no fabric better than the one produced from American Pima or the Egyptian Giza. But CAI wants to prove Suvin and decide for yourself.
Suvin’s superiority with its mission to promote this very special cotton to the world. The primary objective is to ensure that the farmers who are today disinclined to grow Suvin because of low demand and disproportionate efforts needed are encouraged to significantly expanded its cultivation.
The first step towards this end is to convey its superiority through its very name and we could think no further but to call it a ‘Jewel’ or ‘Ratna’!
We have also ensured that the entire chain right from the farm to the fabric is fully traceable so that the end product can be certified to be made from authentic Suvin.
CAI has crafted a premium product in this pack. It contains carefully selected ‘Suvin Ratna’ shirting fabric made from Suvin Cotton conscientiously cultivated by Appachi Eco-Logic Cotton P. Ltd., Pollachi, and expertly spun and woven by Morarjee Textile Mills with both its warp and its weft containing a 2/200s count yarn, the most exquisite count of yarn produced in the country. A special label is also a part of this box, which will enable you to get your own bespoke formal ‘Suvin Ratna’ shirt.