Bianco, Unitech join forces for tubular box solution

A typical tie-up to tackle market challenges

The Tubular Box Solution line is the result of the experience and professionalism of Bianco and Unitech, the two firms which have operated in the textile finishing machinery sector for almost 40 years.


This is an entire assembly line for the processing of tubular fabric consisting of the Bianco APT tubular opener, which unwinds, slackens and reduces moisture in the fabric, eliminating the need for centrifugal hydro-extractor; the Unitech GOLD tensionless dryer, with outstandingly efficient evaporation, heated by gas, oil, steam or electricity; and the Bianco “400” T-Compact tubular compactor with motorized magnetic stretcher for consistent, uniform compacting and a high quality finish.

The two partner companies, both leaders in the sector, through their “networking”, are building a repertoire of increasingly specialized skills. By refusing to compete with each other they join forces to increase competitiveness and offer superior quality products, to the ultimate benefit of the client. The aim of this business partnership is effectively to work together to withstand the competition, continuing in their roles as the best on the Italian and international markets and reinforcing the “Made in Italy” image in the world through their common efforts, resulting in innovation, technology, and excellent, original products.

Until now, Italian firms have depended solely on their own resources and the merits of their entrepreneurs to make good in the market. This tendency has given rise to many formidable and highly skilled manufacturing companies, but unfortunately has not been accompanied by the development of a corporate spirit essential to compete in today’s globalized market.

In recent years Italian companies, in the grip of the financial and manufacturing crisis, have acted fast as they seek to restructure to confront the new reality, often with disorganized incursions into fields which were traditionally not their own. This has caused further deterioration in the markets. Moreover, lacking a solid coherence at home, they have often turned to foreign partnerships, with the consequent damaging transfer of skills and the growth of new competitors.

In the panorama which is currently presenting itself, however, it is fundamental to find systematic ways to capitalize on the enormous potential in quality, technical skills and know-how offered by Italian firms, and to raise awareness of the fact that healthy competition within the country can bring about excellent results: cogent product promotion, widespread presence in world markets and thus greater competitiveness.

Against this backdrop Bianco and Unitech have acted decisively, overcoming their natural caution and laying the foundation for common projects, combining technical expertise, quality and compromise to move beyond traditional antagonism between firms and face increasingly challenging markets.

The Tubular Box Solution project is a starting point for even more ambitious future projects which will offer an integrated and highly specialized service in the hope of creating a virtuous circle of growth and collaboration between firms which believe in each other, thus signalling a new cohesion, so that Italian products, from this solid base, can ultimately conquer new markets.

Focusing on research, innovation and technology, both Bianco and Unitech have had the determination to constantly update themselves, and are now ready to satisfy the ever-changing demands of the market. With this initiative they also aspire to highlight the importance of changing attitudes as they themselves have done, rather than thinking only of themselves.

This fruitful partnership is producing numerous tangible ideas, allowing Bianco and Unitech to tackle the challenges of the market from a stronger, more decisive base and a better understanding of the new scenarios, making them even more reactive to the changing needs and demands of clients, who in turn benefit from greater solidity, skills and product quality.

The entire system cannot fail to see the positive signs in initiatives like this, which spread winning rationales on an international level.